What are Splacer's messaging & booking policies?

We understand that at times contact information needs to be shared in order to secure an event. However, to ensure that the benefits of Splacer are received by all parties, and for the protection of our users' privacy and security, we do require that the following set of rules be followed when communicating on Splacer:

  • All conversation surrounding a booking should take place on the Splacer platform, except during a site visit or phone call.
  • Get as many details about the event to ensure you can move forward with it, before scheduling an in-person meeting or phone call.
  • When a site visit or call are deemed necessary, a date and time for the meeting should be agreed upon. Once this agreement is reached, the space address and phone numbers can be shared to facilitate the meeting.
  • Immediately after a site visit or phone call, the conversation should return to Splacer with a message, quote or quote request.
  • When it comes time to confirm the rental, all payment* must be processed through the Splacer quote system. This ensures, the benefits of a Splacer booking for all parties.

When these policies are adhered to, the Splacer team can support you throughout the booking process and ensure that:

  • Payment is verified and secure
  • We can help resolve and manage disputes should they arise


*Refundable security deposit is to be collected separately by the venue after the rental is confirmed.

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