What is a booking request?

What is a booking request?

A booking request takes place when an organizer has committed to your space and event dates, and has initiated the booking process for your space.

All you need to do is accept the request and the event is instantly booked.

No need to create a quote or message the organizer, if you don’t require it.

Once you hit ‘Accept’, your space and contact details will automatically be shared with the organizer.

How is a booking request different from an inquiry?

With a booking request the organizer has committed to your space and has held the reservation with a credit card. The amount held is that of the default price on your space page. The organizer may or may not need to message with you about the event.

An inquiry is sent by an organizer who is interested in your space, but may still have questions and/or require a site visit before committing to it. In this case it is up to you to create a quote in order for the booking process to start. (The organizer has the option to send a booking request at any time during your conversation).

How do I respond to a booking request?

It’s easy! Just click on the booking request from your inbox, and select “Accept”. The event will automatically be confirmed and booked.

You have a few other options if you can’t accept the request at this time:

  • Create a custom quote to adjust the price or times of the event
  • Message the organizer if you have any questions before accepting the request
  • Decline the event to let the organizer know you can’t accommodate the event.

How long to I have to respond to a booking request?

You have 2 business days to respond to a booking request (either accept, send a new quote, message the organizer or decline the request). If you fail to send a response, the opportunity will expire and this will impact your response rate & time. As a result your search ranking will be affected.

I’d like to host the event, but my space is unavailable during the time the organizer requested. What should I do?

The booking request is valid for 2 business days and you can message the organizer and see if another date or time works for them. If you’ve agreed on a new time, select “create custom quote” and make the relevant adjustments to the event details. The organizer can then book and pay for the event as usual.

I’d like to host the event, but the price needs to be adjusted. What should I do?

You can select “create custom quote” and make the relevant adjustments to the event details as well as add a note to the quote about why you’re adjusting it. The organizer can then book and pay for the event as usual. You can message the organizer at any time to let them know about this needed change.

I’ve been messaging the organizer, but the booking request has expired. Have I lost the opportunity?

Since you’ve responded to the organizer within the 2 business days window, you can still book the opportunity. Since the booking request has expired, you will have to send a new quote for the booking to take place. 

I declined a booking request - does that impact my response rate?

Nope! As long as you somehow respond to the organizer, your response rate and time aren’t negatively impacted. You can always follow up with the organizer and tell them why you can’t accommodate their event.

Have more questions? Submit a request


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